Or scroll below for a sneak peek into Session 1. Check out Lesson 1 ofFrontier Mission Kidsfor a sneak peek of our four-lesson children's curriculum: Teacher's guide: Lesson 1 Presentation: Lesson 1, Hook Presentation: Lesson 1, Story of Scripture ...
during the Sunday morning service – I can’t say I blame anyone for viewing such an occasion as high-risk. Public speaking isn’t exactly the kind of job skill listed on most missionaries’ resumes. We tend to do well with people in less-formal settings, doing things like Bible studies...
For some the percentage was much less. All this points to the fact that they believed they had to work to earn God’s love and forgiveness. Fortunately in God’s Word, The Bible, we are taught that salvation is a gift from God, given to us by grace. As a gift, we can’t earn ...
I have written several stories that have to do with the anxiety of my wife, and kids, and my dad, when I have traipsed off into the unknown, and I honestly never take that for granted. But what if being sure of the calling of God to GO!, puts you in a dangerous situation. In ...