0 Real Life Disciplemaking Friendships Read the Bible with your Cadre Missionaries for 2025! Bible Plan Direct Link PRAY WITH US. Join us in the Disciplemaker's Prayer Share Your Disciplemaking Friendship Stories Multiply Disciplemaking Generosity Moment:Help disciplemaking transform lives both near ...
From a Bible student in Florida “When you go on the internet, please pray for the Hoffman Family – your missionaries to Cyberspace.” Volume 38 Issue 1 (January/February/2025) Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! The Latest News: Maureen and I attended the Blesse...
23. June 2021·Comments Offon BIBLE SCHOOL TIME· Categories:Newsletters We are in the time of preparation for the Bible Baptist Seminary of the Philippines. We have our schedules ready, curriculum is set and the campuses are excited to get back to face-to-face classes. It is really difficu...
(independent scholar) account of Absalom Sydenstricker and his work on translating the Bible into Chinese offers a view of the difficulties the scholar had rendering the Scripture into Chinese but also in reconciling, or failing to reconcile, the personal differences between the Chinese and the ...
As a pastor, I felt a strong need to study the Bible. So, I moved to the United States to study at Talbot School of Theology in California. During that time, I struggled with English, but a kind neighbor befriended me and helped me with many things. From how to open a bank account...
The process of journeying towards Christ This entry is part 13 of 14 in the series "Church planting". An event or a process? Is evangelism an event or is it a process… or both? And why does that matter? When I was in Bible College, I was introduced to the Engel Scale. This was...
We would like to equip our Online Bible Schools to move forward into the current technology needs of our students in both open and closed areas of the world! You may Click Here if you would like to give to our Online Bible Schools Upgrade Project....
Miners, Merchants, and Missionaries: The Roles of Missionaries and Pioneer Churches in the Colorado Gold Rush and Its Aftermath, 1858-1870. By Alice Cowan Cochran. (Metuchen, NJ.: Scarecrow/American Theological Library Association, 1980. xi + 287 pp. Tables, appendixes, notes, bibliography, and...
Meredith adds that while the progress of evangelism is slow, the Spirit is at work in these conversations. Recently one of her friends has expressed a desire to begin studying the Bible with her. Meredith hopes this will lead to a transformed life, but the strain of serving under the diffic...
In the archives of the Bible Society at Cambridge University Library, there are two New Testaments presented to black Antiguan Christians in the 1830s as part of a commemoration project following formal emancipation of enslaved people on 1 August 1834. They were marked as a gift by the Society...