Uganda there is so much rape and incest. It is very common after a 12-14-year-old girl is raped by a family member, if they give birth, it is then a shame to the family. So, the infant is literally thrown away into the fields. So, organizations like Watoto rescue children all ...
Perhaps the most progressive program is offered by The Department of Anaesthesia at Oxford University that runs a 5-day program in Kampala, Uganda, entitled "Anaesthesia in Developing Countries" that serves to prepare clinicians for work in environments low in resources. Such programs provide ...
Children in Exploitative Transition: Interface of ChildTrafficking, Domestic Workers and Sexual Exploitation, aCase for Uganda The pressure to fend for themselves and family continues and this opens the door to transiting into transactional sex as an\nalternative for survival. Sexual exploitation of dome...
Whether you’re new to the field or the next Dr. Grey, have a year to dedicate abroad or looking for short-term spring break pre-med trips, it’s important to do your research on pre-med mission trips. After all, the medical field should not be taken lightly. Here you’ll ...
(as bricks of a single building or as parts of the same body) so as to realize what Paul describes as the 'very height of Christ's full stature." In describing the Pilgrimage of Pain and Hope and a visit to an organic farm in Uganda, the author offers "pilgrimage" as an example ...