This is the first in a collection of three papers introducing the science with an ultra-violet (UV) space telescope on an approximately 130 kg small satellite with a moderately fast re-pointing capability and a real-time alert communication system approved for a Czech national space mission. The...
Certificate of Appreciation from USA Boxing, June 1, 1994 Loyalty Club at Medical College of Georgia 1999 â Present. Physician Member of United States Amateur Boxing, Inc. 1993 â Present Floyd Bliven Society, Medical College of Georgia, 1993 â Present American Medical Association, Member 1...
Certificate of Appreciation from USA Boxing, June 1, 1994 Loyalty Club at Medical College of Georgia 1999 â Present. Physician Member of United States Amateur Boxing, Inc. 1993 â Present Floyd Bliven Society, Medical College of Georgia, 1993 â Present American Medical Association, Member 1...
TNF-alpha- and IL-1beta-induced phosphorylation of lambda/iotaPKC was attenuated by inhibitors toward snpPLA(2) and 5-LO and by an LTB(4) receptor antagonist, suggesting lambda/iotaPKC as a downstream effector of snpPLA(2) and 5-LO/LTB(4) the LTB(4) receptor. Hence, lambda/iotaPKC ...
of methodologies to produce low-cost transfers to near-earth asteroids (NEAs). Low-cost trajectories derived from retrograde periodic orbits around{L}_{1}are taken as a starting point for the escape of the Earth-Moon system and, as the vehicle exits the sphere of influence of Earth, the ...
NASA’s Mars 2020 (M2020) rover mission includes a suite of sensors to monitor current environmental conditions near the surface of Mars and to constr
+ fvOptions(alpha, rho, k_) ); kEqn.ref().relax(); fvOptions.constrain(kEqn.ref()); solve(kEqn); fvOptions.correct(k_); bound(k_, this->kMin_); correctNut(); } kEqn.H | Effective diffusivity of the SGS kinetic energy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 //- Return the effective diffu...
return max(6/max(kappai_, 6/dMax_), dMin_); } void Foam::diameterModels::IATE::correct() { // Initialise the accumulated source term to the dilatation effect volScalarField R ( ( (1.0/3.0) /max ( fvc::average(phase_ + phase_.oldTime()), residualAlpha_ ) ) *(fvc::ddt(phase...
palpha[facei] = mixture_.alphah(pp[facei], pT[facei]); } } } } The calculation procedure of the temperature field depends on the selected energy variable, so the following THE function accordingly switches the called method. src/thermophysicalModels/specie/thermo/thermo/thermoI.H 364 365...