ARMORED CORE VI: FIRES OF RUBICON Original Soundtrack Disk 3 Track 12: 4 The Answer (For The Mission) Composition: Kota Hoshino Arrangement: Takashi Onodera 展开更多 音乐 音乐综合 装甲核心 acfa 星野康太 白色闪光 ost fromsoftware fs社 物华弥新...
Planetary scientists think Europa's ocean could contain twice as much water as all of Earth's oceans put together. They also think that, at the interface between Europa's rocky core and the seafloor, there could be hydrothermal vents that act as an energy source for potential microbial life....
*note this is real,not only convicts are being implanted .u.s.citizens placed on the "list" LIMITED DISTRIBUTION ONLY LEVEL 9 COMMUNICATION 2020 Neural Chip Implant The control of crime will be a paramount concern in the 21st Century. We must be ready with our security products when th...
armoredvehicles. 8.8cmFlak36:Thisduelpurposeweaponwasusedextensivelyin bothAnti-AircraftandAnti-tankroles.ThisunitrepresentstheAnti- Tankconfigurationandthuscannotengageplanes.Itwaseffective atlongrangeagainstallknown,withahighdegreeof accuracyandrateoffire. 12cmsGrWr42Mortar:InvaluabletotheGermanInfantry Divisions...
I discussed order-writing some in the OP of the main thread. I recommend talking in terms of intentions and goals rather than explicit in-game commands cause then your inputter has flexibility. That doesn’t necessarily mean a list of specific if-then conditionals. Just try to get across th...