Mission: Impossible: Directed by Brian De Palma. With Tom Cruise, Jon Voight, Emmanuelle Béart, Henry Czerny. An American agent, under false suspicion of disloyalty, must discover and expose the real spy without the help of his organization.
Mission: Impossible - Fallout: Directed by Christopher McQuarrie. With Tom Cruise, Henry Cavill, Ving Rhames, Simon Pegg. A group of terrorists plans to detonate three plutonium cores for a simultaneous nuclear attack on different cities. Ethan Hunt, alo
特工 Double_Dove发消息 微博、贴吧@Double_Dove;小马教长期教徒、碟中谍迷 关注669 传奇5 《碟中谍7》中字预告、花絮合集(17/19) 自动连播 32.5万播放简介 订阅合集 收录本人汉化、搬运的所有《碟中谍7:致命清算(上)》预告、片花和花絮等电影相关信息
心态不好的XZY创建的收藏夹电音内容:Mission: Impossible 7 - Techno mix from the Venice Club scene,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
但是为什么大陆把 mission impossible翻译成了碟中谍了呢?第一个“碟”是光碟的碟,第二个“谍”才是间谍的谍哦。 据说这个译名是根据1996年Mission Impossible (1)的剧情意译的——剧情是阿汤哥要去找到一份间谍名单,而这个名单就存在一张光碟(CD)里...
Mission: Impossible II(2000) Mr. Hunt, this isn't mission difficult, it's mission impossible. "Difficult" should be a walk in the park for you. —Mission Commander Swanbeck Share Tweet Post More Mission: Impossible IIopening featuring Paramount logo ...
《Mission: Impossible》直译是“不可能的任务”,这个翻译显然就“没那味”~而为何翻译成《碟中谍》,那是因为在第一部中,故事围绕一张录有“间谍名单”的光碟展开,光碟中的间谍自然就是“碟中谍”了。结果由于第一部的大火,“碟中谍”这三个字...
The downside is, having seen it, I’m not sure I want emotional urgency in a Mission: Impossible movie. The best scene in any of the M:I films remains the first film’s suspenseful CIA break-in, which was a lark. By contrast, the same film’s opening act, in which Hunt’s team...
Mission: Impossible 7 - Techno mix from the Venice Club scene 1.4万播放 【无损音质】陈粒《虚拟》4K画质「你是我朝夕相伴触手可及的虚拟」动态歌词版 85.7万播放 《笑纳》粤语女声版,这个版本别有一番味道,听一次就喜欢上了 92.2万播放 【无损音质】韩可可《错位时空-粤语版》4K画质「身处时空错位的裂缝...
1. Offering sharp contrast that instantly becomes evident during the opening torture scene where you can actually see sweats beads bubbling out of pores in the main characters skin. The stunning visuals are brought to life thanks in part to a rich black level and good use or appropriate color...