@文心快码BaiduComatepep 8: e228 missing whitespace around modulo operator 文心快码BaiduComate PEP 8 中的 E228 错误 PEP 8 是 Python 的官方样式指南,它提供了一套关于如何编写 Python 代码的建议,旨在提高代码的可读性和一致性。E228 是 PEP 8 中定义的一个错误代码,具体指的是“在取模运算符(%)周围缺少...
spaces after operator E223 tab before operator E224 tab after operator E225 missing whitespace...around operator E226 (*) missing whitespace around arithmetic operator E227 missing whitespace around...bitwise or shift operator E228 missing whitespace around modulo operator E231 missing whitespace after ...
of a method should be named ‘self’ N806 variable in function should be lowercase...whitespace around operator E226 (*) missing whitespace around arithmetic operator E227 missing whitespace...around bitwise or shift operator E228 missing whitespace around modulo operator E231 missing whitespac...
spaces after operator E223 tab before operator E224 tab after operator E225 missing whitespace...around operator E226 (*) missing whitespace around arithmetic operator E227 missing whitespace around...bitwise or shift operator E228 missing whitespace around modulo operator E231 missing whitespace after ...