In the trimming procedure, sub-jets, with radius Rsub = 0.2, are clustered starting from the large-R jet constituents using a kt algorithm. A sub-jet is retained only if it contains at least 5% of the total large-R jet transverse momentum, thereby removing the soft constituents from the...
The world's deepest-diving submarine has disappeared in the choppy Pacific Ocean off Japan, a blow to deep-sea research on everything from earthquakes to rare bacteria, an official said Monday. Kaiko, which entered the record books in 1995 by diving 36,008 feet to the bottom of the Challen...
This helps us identify the situations where imputation-STL procedures can give reliable trend estimates. 3. Error Analysis of STL with Imputations In this section, we first analyse the errors of the trend estimates from the imputation-STL class of procedures. Then we investigate a particular case...