Bear in mind, too, that holes in your tiles could lead to infestation fast. With an exposed access point, birds, bats, or even rats may take up habitation in your attic. As well as posing potential structural issues, infestations like these are plain unpleasant. Not to mention that they ...
In Windows 10, the Start menu is back, and it works pretty much just as it always has—but the Windows 10 tiles are still here, attached to the right side of the menu (Figure 2). Figure 2. In Windows 10, the right side of the Start menu offers what Microsoft calls live tiles; ...
And then, lying over it, there’s the new, colorful world of tiles and modern typography that Microsoft calls—well, Microsoft calls it Windows 8, which doesn’t help much. (It desperately needs a name. In this book, I call it “TileWorld.”) Maybe Windows 8 is meant to be a ...