oracle 在insert into的时候报ORA-00928: missing SELECT keyword错 [问题点数:100分,结帖人dm520] 转自: INSERT INTO SA_Table(uniPositionCode,transferGroupName,appCode,appName,transferPort,cfg_network,transferProtocol,transferip,insideState) VALUES('01330000','1',...
ora numeric or value error: character string buffer too small ORA-00928: missing SELECT keyword, i'm not able to insert values in oracle10.2.0 table from .net2.0 ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied ORA-12154: TNS:could no...
Dear all expert, Good day! I'm facing the ORA-00905: missing keyword error prompt when I paste the following SQL code in BI Publisher, but this error doesn't come out in Oracle SQL Developer Application. Any keyword I missing from the following code? Kindly assist. Select M.IXITM AS "...
一则ORA-00905: missing keyword 原因: SQL Select * into from oracle中应该为create table NewTable as select 原SQL中的语句 Select a.*,QMZS1,QMZS2,b.YSYWFasPYSYWF,b.zdsfbzje, casewhena.YSYWF>isnull(b.YSYWF,0)then'大于'whena.YSYWF=isnull(b.YSYWF,0)then'等于'whena.YSYWF<isnull(...
select n.*,e.CFD SJCFD,CASE m.selectname WHEN '往返' THEN n.chefei=n.OneWay + n.BackPay ELSE n.chefei=n.OneWay END (AS n.carpay)->这个东西怪怪的,不可以这样吧!你去掉试试看可以运行不 FROM FORMTABLE_MAIN_232_DT3 n left outer join UF_BAOXIAO e on
Oracle: missing SELECT keyword, when using WITH clause Question: Upon executing the given query, an error message with code "ORA-00928: missing SELECT keyword" appears. The aim of the request is to retrieve the actor's name who appeared in the highest number of movies per decade, specificall...
两张表进行数据的拷贝 最常用的拷贝语句是 insert into select 和 select into from 但是请绝对的注意 在Oracle中select into from不可以使用---原因很简单 select into是PL/SQL language 的赋值语句 如果使用则 Oracle 会抛出 0RA-00905:missing keyword 的异常 但是可以用 create table select 代替该功能 具体...
selectinsertoraclekeywordfalgtestname 两张表进行数据的拷贝,最常用的拷贝语句是:insertintoselect和selectintofrom但是请绝对的注意:在Oracle中selectintofrom不可以使用---原因很简单:selectinto是PL/SQLlanguage的赋值语句!如果使用则Oracle会抛出0RA-00905:missingkeyword的异常!但是可以用createtableselect代替该功能!
在Oracle中select into from不可以使用---原因很简单:select into是PL/SQL language 的赋值语句!如果使用则Oracle会抛出0RA-00905:missing keyword的异常! 但是可以用create table select代替该功能!!!具体参考下面测试代码! 但是在Sql Server中可以正常使用。 先做...