oracle 在insert into的时候报ORA-00928: missing SELECT keyword错 原因:1、如网上大部分出现的类似,是因为列名上不能添加单引号:如写成INSERT INTO USERTAB('uniPositionCode','transferGroupName','appCode','appName','transferPort','cfg_network','transferProtocol','transferip','insideState') VALUES('0...
oracle 在insert into的时候报ORA-00928: missing SELECT keyword错 [问题点数:100分,结帖人dm520] 转自: INSERT INTO SA_Table(uniPositionCode,transferGroupName,appCode,appName,transferPort,cfg_network,transferProtocol,transferip,insideState) VALUES('01330000','1',...
Oracle - INSERT … SELECT : missing SELECT keyword, 1 Answer. An INSERT-SELECT means "INSERT" command first, then the SELECT part, and the WITH is part of the SELECT not the insert. SQL> create table t ( x int ); Table created. SQL> with blah as ( select 1 c from dual) 2 ins...
ora numeric or value error: character string buffer too small ORA-00928: missing SELECT keyword, i'm not able to insert values in oracle10.2.0 table from .net2.0 ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied ORA-12154: TNS:could no...
11. ORA-00928: missing SELECT keyword(12577) 12. 修改oracle数据库用户名和密码(12554) 13. JAVA 注解教程(三)注解的属性(11705) 14. TNS-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist(11449) 15. ORA-00917: missing comma(10905) 16. Oracle - 拼接多个字段 - wm_co...
select n.*,e.CFD SJCFD,CASE m.selectname WHEN '往返' THEN n.chefei=n.OneWay + n.BackPay ELSE n.chefei=n.OneWay END (AS n.carpay)->这个东西怪怪的,不可以这样吧!你去掉试试看可以运行不 FROM FORMTABLE_MAIN_232_DT3 n left outer join UF_BAOXIAO e on
两张表进行数据的拷贝 最常用的拷贝语句是 insert into select 和 select into from 但是请绝对的注意 在Oracle中select into from不可以使用---原因很简单 select into是PL/SQL language 的赋值语句 如果使用则 Oracle 会抛出 0RA-00905:missing keyword 的异常 但是可以用 create table select 代替该功能 具体...
insertintoselect和selectintofrom 但是请绝对的注意: 在Oracle中selectintofrom不可以使用---原因很简单:selectinto是PL/SQLlanguage的赋值语句!如果使用则Oracle会抛出0RA-00905:missingkeyword的异常! 但是可以用createtableselect代替该功能!!!具体参考下面测试代码! 但是...
I have prepared dashboard using a data source. While doing so i prepared few pivot tables from different data sheets where appropriate data was store. Now...