The article is a missing persons report on Nancy Marlene Snow, last seen on November 8, 1980. Snow, a 44-year old white female, disappeared from Annapolis, Maryland after having returned from Saint Louis, Missouri where she worked for the Republican Nati...
MANY bodies lie in morgues waiting to be identified, the National Missing Persons Helpline yesterday revealed.Each of these lost souls has been missing from home for years but no one has come forward to claim them.If you recognise any of the people below, please contact the NMPH on 0500 ...
This article tackles the problematic notions of ‘difference’ (and ‘similarity’) between Greek and Turkish Cypriots with special reference to their perceptions of their Missing Persons—persons who disappeared in the course of hostilities between the two groups, and as a result of the 1974 Turki...
Information was sent to theNational Missing and Unidentified Persons System(NamUs) and a bone sample was sent to Bode Technology. The DNA profile was sent to a database, however, at that time TheLinn County Sheriff's Officewas not able to find a missing person case that resembled the chara...
Police urged the public to contact the LAPD's Missing Persons Unit at 213-996-1800 with any information regarding London's whereabouts.
“As the technology surrounding games becomes better, I think you’ll get more Hollywood persons involved in creating games,” said Edward Williams, an analyst with investment bank Harris Nesbitt. “What those directors will be able to do is to look at a game and allow the users to engage ...
eventsorlocalesorpersons,living ordead,isentirelycoincidental ExceptintheUnitedStatesofAmerica,thisbookissoldsubject totheconditionthatitshallnot,bywayoftradeorotherwise,belent, re-sold,hiredout,orotherwisecirculatedwithoutthepublisher’s priorconsentinanyformofbindingorcoverotherthanthatin whichitispublishedand...
The article is a missing persons report on Nancy Marlene Snow, last seen on November 8, 1980. Snow, a 44-year old white female, disappeared from Annapolis, Maryland after having returned from Saint Louis, Missouri where she worked for the Republican National Committee. A male friend of Snow...
MANY bodies lie in morgues waiting to be identified, the National Missing Persons Helpline yesterday revealed.Each of these lost souls has been missing from home for years but no one has come forward to claim them.If you recognise any of the people below, please contact the NMPH on 0500 ...
on Connecticut-based George Smith's disappearance from a Royal Caribbean International ship on a Mediterranean cruise earlier this year. International Council of Cruise Lines's president Michael Crye informed lawmakers that 14 cases of...