In struggling (#1655) with this 'bug' I realized that I don't understand the rational behind having default values at all when you can't set the default value or make the field required, i.e., trust that you should use the default value if the field isn't set on the wire. Why n...
The challenge here is that the node with ID aaa has changed on the server such that its field object references node 222 instead of 111; this change isn't caused by the client who experiences the problem, but by another user or server process. Relay hasn't ever asked the server for the...
# Retain service method parameterswhenoptimizing.-keepclassmembers,allowshrinking,allowobfuscationinterface*{@retrofit2.http.*<methods>;}# Ignoreannotationusedforbuild tooling.-dontwarn org.codehaus.mojo.animal_sniffer.IgnoreJRERequirement # Ignore JSR305annotationsforembedding nullability information.-dontwarn j...
(IsDistinctFrom, " IS DISTINCT FROM ", ConstantNullability Bool, backend: Pg); __diesel_infix_operator!(IsNotDistinctFrom, " IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ", ConstantNullability Bool, backend: Pg); @@ -30,11 +32,19 @@ infix_operator!(ContainsJsonb, " @> ", backend: Pg); infix_operator!(...