每次最多可以申请 4 个航段的积分。申请提交时间不得晚于搭乘航班日期后 12 个月。 所需信息位于您的登机牌存根和机票收据上,您应按照票据上的信息正确输入。 申请航班积分 登录到前程万里 (MileagePlus) 账户 如要申请您缺失的积分,您须首先您的前程万里 (MileagePlus) 账户。
You can request missing miles, however it depends on the flight you took or your purchase. Fill out this form to submit a missing miles credit request.
SkyTeam will soon implement alliance-wide retroactive mileage crediting, allowing passengers to instantly claim missing miles.
In 1975, Congress introduced the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, which set standards intended to double the average car's fuel economy by model year 1985. As a result, the average mileage in a passenger vehicle jumped from 13.5 miles per gallon in 1975 to 27.5 miles per gallon a decade...
A few months back, I joined in for an episode of a podcast called the Disciplined Investor. The host Andrew Horowitz and I were chatting about money, raising children, stock market crashes and so on, and then this question popped out of the void and real
Arkham Asylum." Plus, web-swinging around a digital New York City provides a visceral sense of enjoyment that defies description. It's probably safe to say "Marvel's Spider-Man 2" will continue these strengths and even improve them. And, since Spider-Man and Miles Morales share screen time...
You can request missing miles, however it depends on the flight you took or your purchase. Fill out this form to submit a missing miles credit request.