When oils released by decaying vegetation drift into the pooled water of the Sunshine State's wetlands, a rainbow-colored phenomenon decorates the scenery: Florida's colorful swamp. The spots of oil slick reflect sunlight into trees and bushes, making them look multihued and vibrant. The natural...
Lindbergh and his wife reportedly found a ransom note in Charlie’s crib, demanding that they pay the abductor $50,000 in two installments or never see their baby again. Though the Lindberghs ultimately paid, Charlie was never returned to them alive. His badly beaten body was discovered in ...
OvertwodozenwomenhavedisappearedfromthePalmBeachareainthelastfive years.IknowbecauseI’vebeenkeepingtrack,notconsciously,atleastnotatfirst, butafterawhiletheirnumbersjuststartedaddingup,andavaguefigureaffixeditself tomyconscious mind. The women range in age from sixteen to sixty. The police have ...
further north past savannah and into south carolina before leaving the interstate for us-17 and through old rice plantation country toward charleston... we pass the caw caw swamp where once two happening cats took me paddling in a canoe in these rice irrigation ditches... damn, whe was that...
abound about his disappearance. In the 80s, Hoffa was thought to be buried in the end zone of Giants Stadium, on "Saturday Night Live" they guessed he was inside R2-D2 of "Star Wars." OR maybe his body was in a Florida swamp. Or he was run through an industrial shredder or ...