then Separator used with if, unless, when, case, rescue true Logical Boolean true undef Makes a method/function undefined in current class until Execute code block while conditional statement is false when Starts a clause under case statement while Executes the code block, until the conditional st...
❌no-catch-shadowno-catch-shadowdisallow the catch clause parameter name being the same as a variable in the outer scope 🚫no-delete-varNot applicabledisallow deletion of variables (recommended) ❌no-label-varno-label-vardisallow labels that share a name with a variable ...
(join->select_lex->uncacheable & UNCACHEABLE_EXPLAIN))) { // Compare against constant store_key_item tmp(thd, keyinfo->key_part[i].field, key_buff + maybe_null, All available tests pass. There is a pair of braces in the patch that are superfluous, but are there to underline the...
❌no-catch-shadowno-catch-shadowdisallow the catch clause parameter name being the same as a variable in the outer scope 🚫no-delete-varNot applicabledisallow deletion of variables (recommended) ❌no-label-varno-label-vardisallow labels that share a name with a variable ...