misshapenly [ misshapen ]的相关副词;[ misshape ]的相关副词 shape n. 1.外形,形状,样子 2.模糊的东西 3.情况;状态 4.性质;特点 5.朦胧的形象;轮廓 6.幻影;幽灵 7.假装的形式;外形 8.明确的形式;有条理的安排 9.生活方式 SHAPE =Supersonic High Altitude Parachute Experiment 超音速高空降落伞试验...
It is, in fact, a homely and misshapen little gray airplane that looks like it was cobbled together in someone's garage. Patricia Trenner 2 : morally or intellectually deformed or distorted misshapen ideas of justice misshapenly adverb She has brought Trot, her mangy mongrel, with her. He...
Related to misshapenly:unremitting,conceivable,endurable,insurmountable mis·shape (mĭs-shāp′) tr.v.mis·shaped,mis·shapedormis·shap·en(-shā′pən),mis·shap·ing,mis·shapes To shape badly; deform. mis·shap′en·lyadv. mis·shap′ern. ...