This paper reviews the anatomy and physiology of normal and abnormal brain and skull growth, the etiology of cranial deformation, the types of craniosynostosis most commonly seen in infants, and the importance of early diagnosis and treatment. DOI: 10.1043/1524-5012%282001%29003%5B0191%3AMHIBPO%...
Less than 10 years ago, deformational plagiocephaly, or misshapen head, was not seen in a large number of infants. When it did occur, it was often the result of intrauterine crowding caused by conditions such as multiple fetuses, large infant size, a small pelvis in theRJ Wood...
Cites the challenges faced by pediatricians in the evaluation and management of infants with potentially misshapen heads. Primary objectives in caring for such patients; Surgical techniques that have been advanced for the correction of craniosynostoses; Results of extensice cranial remodeling procedures....