And he thought of the DNA he had given to his daughters, the DNA for a misshapen head and a twisted soul. Pensou no ADN que transmitira às filhas, os genes de uma cabeça disforme e uma alma retorcida. Literature — more pronounced protuberances than allowed under Class I, but ...
The images you see are blurred and misshapen. 你所看到的影像又变形又模糊。 His head was misshapen, his hair was askew. 他费力地找到三、四级台阶,上到讲台。 Does this name the misshapen beauty so called? 莫非这就是所谓残缺的美? misshapenness更多例句上...
And he thought of the DNA he had given to his daughters, the DNA for a misshapen head and a twisted soul. Pensou no ADN que transmitira às filhas, os genes de uma cabeça disforme e uma alma retorcida. Literature — more pronounced protuberances than allowed under Class I, but ...
The images you see are blurred and misshapen. 你所看到的影像又變形又模糊。 His head was misshapen, his hair was askew. 他費力地找到三、四級台堦,上到講台。 Does this name the misshapen beauty so called? 莫非這就是所謂殘缺的美? misshapenness更多例句上...