previous MeetingtheCommitteehaddecidedthatthepresent Meeting wouldbethelastat which MDI projects would be considered, so any further submission of requests wouldmissthatdeadline. 有些成员表示,只要包括了新的和有关的信息作为支持,让各国重新提交申请的 可能解决办法是符...
considered, so any further submission of requests wouldmissthatdeadline. 有些成员表示,只要包括了新的和有关的信息作为支持,让各国重新提交申请的 可能解决办法是符合委员会当前的程序性做法的,另一成员则回顾说,委员会的前一次会 议已经决定,本次会议将是对计量吸入器...
After C&L notification is submitted, a submission report with reference number beginning with 02-xxx will be issued. These reports would allow notifiers to show compliance towards Member States Competent Authorities.How can we assist you in complying with CLP?
at a previous Meeting the Committee had decided that the present Meeting would be the last at which MDI projects would be considered, so any further submission of requests would miss that deadline. 有些成员表示,只要包括了新的和有关的信息作为支持,让各国重新提交申请的 可能...
Meeting would be the last at which MDI projects would be considered, so any further submission of requests would miss that deadline. 有些成员表示,只要包括了新的和有关的信息作为支持,让各国重新提交申请的 可能解决办法是符合委员会当前的程序性做法的,另一成员则回顾说,委员会的...