or toilet paper.I missed a total of 7 pills 2 in the first week, 3 in the second 2 in the third I doubled up on each day i missed. I know the likely hood i am pregnant is there, I'm wondering what you think this brownish ness is and if it could be something other ...
What to Do About Missed or Skipped Birth Control PillsContraceptive Technology
encourage the function of thecorpus luteumto continue to make progesterone. This is different from supplying exogenous synthetic progesterone and does not usually make a pregnancy persist when the fetus is abnormal. There have been reported cases, however, where large doses of herbs have been taken...
The proportion of pregnant women who received ≥2 doses of IPTp increased in surveyed countries from nearly zero before to a median of 29.6 % (IQR 20.1–42.5 %) seven or more years after IPTp policy adoption. ANC attendance was high (median 76.6 % reported ≥3 visits); however, even sev...