They made my blood boil with rage, and I cried the whole day for shame. Oh, if I had only been a man!—well, there! I watched them from my window—fat pigs that they were with their spiked helmets—and my servant had to hold my hands to prevent me throwing the furniture down on...
Disbelief, rage, sadness, retreat then recuperation, then stillness, then hope and defiance, then back to disbelief, rage and sadness. This can be in the space of an hour or a day. I have nothing new to add that you haven’t read, or thought, or opined yourself. I just wanted to c...
Now if you are really excited for NASA’s next telescope (a telescope that has been in the works since 1996, the big decadal project, the replacement of Hubble AKA the BFD of late in space) to launch on December 18th, why not have a beautiful ornament of its mirror on your tree. Jam...
Richards got his foot on the rope to cause a break and slowed things down trying to get Perkins to shake hands and kissing his foot. When Richards went to kiss, Perkins kicked him in the mouth and took him down to the mat again. Richards went to dump Perkins ...
You’ve discovered by now that you won’t be able to escape the barrage of news and the countless angles of investigation, speculation and exasperation. The 24-hour coverage will ebb and flow, but will blind side you in the weeks, months and years to follow when you least expect it. Yo...