Suspai – Miss Nagatoro in Art Class is aFriday Night Funkin Modwhere Miss Nagatoro battle against her Senpai, Naoto Hachiouji, in art class. The characters this made is based on characters from Don’t Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro anime and manga series. ...
Don’t Toy With Me, Miss Nagatorois a manga where not only will your mileage vary on not only how Senpai is being toyed with, but also of the two main characters, since they’re essentially 98% of the manga. Senpai is an aspiring artist lacking confidence in himself, which comes throug...
MANGA REVIEW | "Don’t Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro" - Vol. 4 How can anyone resist that snarky smile that’s placed on the face of the titular character ofDon’t Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro? Despite her bully-ish mannerisms, behind that smile is a caring and sweet gal waiting for h...
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