Telugu star daughter Shivani Rajasekhar, daughter of senior hero Rajasekhar and former heroine Jeevitha, has quit Miss India 2022 pageant. None other than the Miss India team itself stated that there will be no representation from Tamilnadu this year as the contestant Shivani Rajasekhar has to ...
“Light of the World”). From then on, Indian filmmaking diverged into several regional offshoots in languages other than Hindi, such asTamil,Telugu, andBengali. After early experiments in silent film, the studio Bombay Talkies, launched in 1934 by actor, director, and producer Himanshu Rai, ...
Miss. Shetty Mr. Polishetty: Regia di Mahesh Babu P.. Con Anushka Shetty, Naveen Polishetty, Jayasudha, Nassar. Miss Shetty is a feminist living in London and wants to be single forever. Mr. Polishetty from Hyderabad in Telangana, India, wants to be in a
Secunderabad – 3 Telangana State, India. Email Skype: Philva6 To Read the Latest Issue Pl. Click HereConfident Living Magazine Here are a few snippets from the print and web world in English, Hindi, and in Telugu ...