Create new sentences ensuring modifiers are placed properly and subject of the modifiers are stated clearly. This download includes: Worksheets with Answers: 8 Exercises PowerPoint Presentation: 17 Slides Google Slides: 17 Slides Boom Cards: 56 Digital Task Cards Here are some possible uses for thes...
NameDate MisplacedandDanglingModifiers–Exercise4 ThishandoutaccompaniesExercise4ofGrammarBytes!Gettheanswersbydoingtheinteractive versionoftheexerciseatthisaddress:http://chompchomp/exercises.htm Directions:Choosetheoptionthathasnomisplacedordanglingmodifier. 1. A.FillingtheshoppingcartwithDbatteriesandbottledwater...
ANSWERS TO EXERCISES: EXERCISE 1: The modifying phrase is underlined, and the word it modifies is in parentheses to indicate a circle. If the sentence contains a second modifier, it is indicated by italics. In the second sentence of each pair, the corrections are shown in bolded letter...