SUMMARY ANSWER The use of misoprostol at a dose of 400 碌g administered vaginally 4 h prior to IUD insertion increased the ease of insertion and reduced the incidence of pain during the procedure, although the frequency of cramps increased following misoprostol use. WHAT IS KNOWN AND WHAT THIS...
Objective: The aim of the study was to assess whether vaginal administration of misoprostol before copper intrauterine device (IUD) insertion increased the success of the procedure among parous women with previous insertion failure. Methods: A single-centre, parallel-group, double-blind, placebo-...
Cervical priming with sublingual misoprostol prior to insertion of an intrauterine device in nulliparous women: a randomized controlled trial. BACKGROUND: The copper intrauterine device (IUD) is a highly effective and safe contraceptive method, also in nulliparous women. However, insertion of an I.....
Turok DK, Simonsen SE, Schulz KF: Misoprostol for cervical priming prior to IUD insertion in nulliparous women. [ ] Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010. [cited 2011 April 2, 2011];...
Participants who were parous were 4.4 times more likely to be interested in the IUD than nulliparous participants. Independent of parity, participants who had heard of the IUD from a health care provider were 2.7 times more likely to be interested in using the method. The study population was ...
Misoprostol for nulliparous women did not decrease pain or improve the ease of insertion of an IUD. Most women were willing to wait for a medication that decreases pain, indicating a need to pursue alternatives for pain control with IUD insertion....
Benefits of vaginal misoprostol prior to IUD insertion in women with previous caesarean delivery: a randomised controlled trialObjective: The aim of the study was to evaluate thMagedBeniAhmedBeniM.BeniYoussefBeniGamalBeniEldalyBeniAshrafBeniOmran
misoprostolpainObjective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the value of vaginal misoprostol 6h prior to intrauterine device (IUD) insertion in women with previous Caesarean delivery.Maged, Ahmed M.Youssef, GamalEldaly, AshrafOmran, EmanEl Naggar, MohamedHak, Ahmed AbdelKotb, AmalOgila, ...
Misoprostol administration prior to intrauterine contraceptive device insertion: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trialsInsertion failureintrauterine contraceptive deviceintrauterine deviceintrauterine systemIUCDIUDmisoprostolpainObjectives: Misoprostol has been used before intrauterine ...
was done using numerical rating scale recorded by the woman and VAS recorded by the health provider; the higher reading of both scales for each case was recorded and analyzed there was no statistical significant difference as regard pain reduction in using misoprostol prior to IUD insertion. As...