The meaning of MISOGYNOIR is hatred of, aversion to, or prejudice against Black women. How to use misogynoir in a sentence.
word-forming element of Greek origin meaning "hater, hatred," before vowels,mis-, from Greekmisos"hatred,"misein"to hate," of uncertain etymology, perhaps from a Pre-Greek word. It was productive as a word-forming element in ancient Greek, for instancemisoagathia"hatred of good or goodne...
"hatred of women," 1650s, from Modern Latinmisogynia, from Greekmisogynia, abstract noun frommisogynēs"woman-hater," frommiso-"hatred" (seemiso-) +gynē"woman" (from PIE root*gwen-"woman"). Its opposite isphilogyny(1620s).
Specifically, an NMT system first reads the source sentence using an encoder to build a "thought" vector, a sequence of numbers that represents the sentence meaning; a decoder, then, processes the sentence vector to emit a translation, as illustrated in Figure 1. This is often referred to as...