The chapter outlines the basic approach taken by EU law to unfair commercial practices in general and to misleading food labelling in particular. It discusses the challenges connected with transposing the legal rules and the underlying reasoning into empirically manageable terms, that is, making ...
The Local Government Association (LGA) has now called on the EU to ban the misleading labels and to set caps on the amount of sugar, salt and fat a food product can contain if it is to be marketed with any claims of nutritional or health benefit.② Numerous examples of "low fat" ...
origin labellingwasessential to avoidmisleadingtheconsumer. 一些代表团认为,所有各项标准均应在步骤 8 通过,但是第 7.2 节例外,该节应 返回食品标识委员会进一步讨论,而其它代表团支持通过奶及奶制品法典委员会提出 的标准全文,认为原产国标识对于避免误导消费者很有必要。
proposed by the CCMMP and were of the opinion that country of origin labelling was essential to avoidmisleadingtheconsumer. 一些代表团认为,所有各项标准均应在步骤 8 通过,但是第 7.2 节例外,该节应
In Canada, the federal Competition Act, Textile Labelling Act, and Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act contain prohibitions against making false or misleading representations. The Competition Act also prohibits representations of the performance, efficacy or length of life of a product that are not ba...
The Myriad of Options for Addressing Misleading Advertising and Product Labelling in CanadaRobertson, Heather