A final example of this type of misleading graph.Terry Schiavowas removed from life support after a years-long court battle. CNN used a graph similar to the one below to show who agreed with the decision to remove the feeding tube. Image: Western Reserve Public Media. A fist look at this...
Here is another American Unemployment graph that has made a tiny difference look huge by using small scale units, and drawing the bars in 3D. In this next graph, the bowling average difference between Emily and Diana is only 5, but is made to look much larger. This next graph makes it ...
That’s how it can feel when you realize a graph has been fiddling with its axes without telling you. The fix? Just be clear about it. If you need to adjust an axis for some reason, add a note on the graph.This way, everyone knows what’s up, and they can trust what they see...
10 Best Used Clothing Websites Tom ClaytonMay 10, 2024 Are you interested in buying or selling used clothes online? Disclosure As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases from Amazon.com. You can learn more aboutour editorial policies here. ...
Consider the baseline:Evaluate the choice of baseline or starting point on the graph. Misleading ads might manipulate the baseline to create an illusion of larger or more dramatic changes. By selectively choosing a specific baseline, the advertiser can distort the perception of growth, improvement, ...
Tyler Vegihn compiled some funny misleading statistics examples to prove this exact point: This graph depicts a compelling correlation between the number of people who drowned falling into a pool and the number of movies Nicolas Cage appeared in: Another shows a correlation between the number of ...
That’s a graph from the paper, showing the connection between the amount of GABA in one particular part of the brain (along the bottom axis) and how strong the individual’s feeling of urgency was (along the side axis) in two groups (cohorts). There does appear to be a correlation (...
All of these can be useful to varying degrees, but the inconsistency between benchmarks is a real concern. To understand why, we need to talk about why minimum FPS matters and then look at a few benchmarks as examples. The short summary is that minimum frame rates matter because they ...
And in my whole life I’ve never seen people use it that way in the real world, instead they talk about income in ways that are unrelated to what it really means. As when Krugman shows of graph of incomes by quintile. I guess ‘meaningless’ was a bit strong, but what possible use...