"MISERY" by William Goldman Based on the Novel by Stephen King FADE IN ON: A SINGLE CIGARETTE. A MATCH. A HOTEL ICE BUCKET that holds a bottle of champagne. The cigarette is unlit. The match is of the kitchen variety. The champagne, unopened, is Dom Perignon. There is only one sound...
So, Misery. It begins and ends with a man and his horse. And that’s a beautiful bookending technique. Both images are equally memorable. The opening finds the pair literally frozen in place, hunched over with the snow collecting on their backs. The closing scene in some ways is even sa...
Miseryis a best-selling book by famed horror novelist Stephen King, which went on to become an iconic film starring Kathy Bates and the late James Caan. The Broadway play is written by William Goldman and starred Laurie Metcalf and Bruce Willis. A psychological thriller,Miseryrevolves around nov...
one of our wizarding leads assures their compatriots that "the best plan is no plan." While that statement proves important to the plot of the film, it also seems to describe the strategy behind the entireFantastic Beastsfranchise: Take a book tangentially related toHarry Potter, spin it into...