mise en scene Perfect Watery Hair Serum mise en scene Perfect Watery Hair Serum, 80ml, Korean cosmetics. K-beauty online, Expiration date (use-by date for products subject to expiration date labeling obligations): Products on or after 2025-01-08 Hair car
Mise en scene Perfect Serum Original80ml Effectively nourishes the hair with 7 essential oils (argan, camellia, coconut, apricot kernels, marula, jojoba and olive) Seven types of naturally-derived oils are combined in the golden ratio to provide instant damage care to damaged hair. ...
重量: 159.00 Grams 運費: 結帳時計算 數量: 此貨品只供預訂! 產品介紹 Mise en scene Perfect Watery Serum 完美修護護髮油 (水潤清爽) 80ml 蘊含7X Perfect Oil™ (摩洛哥堅果油、山茶花油、馬魯拉油、橄欖油、荷荷巴油、椰子油、杏仁油) 特別適合少量及軟弱髮質,相比其他系列質地更輕薄...
Mise-en-scène Perfect Serum Super Rich Intensive care for severely damaged hair. Enriched with carefully-selected golden morocco argan oil, this new perfect serum super rich from mise en scene repairs and revives even the severest of Uploaded by: vansan on01/18/2024 ...
完美造型 護髮精油 - 精華液/精華乳/護髮精油 - 可同時修護損傷、打理造型的新概念護髮精油 | miseenscene
完美修護 精油洗髮精 - 洗髮精 / 潤髮乳 - 利用7X Perfect Oil™與大豆蛋白質為髮絲提供密集營養護理 | miseenscene
No.1 Prestige Haircare:OLAPLEX 健康日报促进EVERYDAZE 防过敏护肤品购买 iUNIK en mise en scene完美造型精华素 1 评论 Perfect styling with one serum! New concept serum from damage care to styling. Highly enriched royal jelly, argan oil and rose water, it improves damaged hair effectively Silky se...
Mise en scene Perfect Serum 3min Salon Mask Pack300ml (此產品不包郵) ** 優惠 $130/2支 ** 3分鐘就能達到7大頭髮損傷修護效果 沖洗後能感受到極度柔軟和光澤 含7X Perfect Oil™(摩洛哥堅果油、山茶花油、馬魯拉油、橄欖油、荷荷巴油、椰子油、杏仁油) ...
Mise en scene Perfect Styling Serum 完美造型精華護髮油 80ml 針對經常使用直/曲髮夾,造型更持久。 護髮油的營養成分令秀髮光澤新生,同時令造型更生動持久。 受損修護加完美造型功效,零黏膩感的同時順滑又自然, 髮絲拉直或捲曲等造型可保持一整天。
完美修護 精油潤髮乳 - 洗髮精 / 潤髮乳 - 利用7X Perfect Oil™與大豆蛋白質為髮絲提供密集營養護理 | miseenscene