imx-uart.4: ttymxc4 at MMIO 0x2018000 (irq = 62) is a IMX fsl_rngc fsl_rngc.0: FSL RNGC Registered. loop: module loaded m25p80 spi1.0: m25p32 (4096 Kbytes) Creating 1 MTD partitions on "m25p32": 0x000000000000-0x000000400000 : "bootloader" vcan: Virtual ...
After compatibilization, the average diameter (Dn) of the dispersed phase with 10 wt% compatibilizers is only 1/5 compared with that without a compatibilizer, and the interface thickness is 4.1 times compared with that without a compatibilizer. Moreover, due to the Pickering effect, ...