Toybox Systems is now Miruni. Log in or create an account to access any previous Toybox stories.
Toybox Systems is now Miruni. Log in or create an account to access any previous Toybox stories.
Miruni is a collaborative tool that helps teams seamlessly submit and resolve visual feedback, bugs, and ideas on any web software. No clumsy screenshots, spreadsheets, or code installation required.Miruni makes it easy for anyone to leave feedback on any website, thanks to the powerful browse...
BugReplay is now Miruni But don’t worry, we’ve moved all previous BugReplay stories over. Once you log in with your existing BugReplay credentials, or create a free account, you’ll be able to locate the story you’re looking for. Want to learn more? View our FAQ page here....
Miruni Capture for Bugreplay Extension for Chrome BugReplay is a bug reporting tool where you can record your screen synced with network traffic and javascript errors- capturing bugs in real time. The browser extension records the screen, network traffic and javascript console messages so all the...
UniMir 14.9 µm - RPMC Lasers Inc. - The uniMir Series is a LWIR, single-frequency, DFB, CW Quantum Cascade Laser based on proprietary technology. The
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Garav Krunimir的视频 4:42 Lidija Bačić Lille - Svaka božja kafana me pozna (2024) 405 人观看 3:37 Lidija Bačić Lille - Gram ljubavi (Vodice 2024) 357 人观看 3:14 Baby Lasagna - Rim Tim Tagi Dim (Croatia, Eurosong Final, Malmö 2024) 283 人观看 3:15 Baby...