un mirroring-group 1 mirroring-port #删除镜像源端口
mirroring的中文翻译是“镜像法”,在技术领域指一种文件存储形式,即镜像,是数据冗余的一种方式,意味着一个磁盘上的数据在另一个磁盘上有完全相同的副本;也可指“反映”或多种技术应用,如“数据库镜像”、“内存镜像”等。 Mirroring的基本定义 Mirroring,中文翻译为“镜像法”,...
In 1:N mirroring, multiple observing ports need to be configured and connected to different monitoring devices. There are two modes for configuring observing ports: configure a single observing port and configure an observing port group. Observing port group is often used in 1:N mirroring to simp...
Figure 4-5Networking diagram of local port mirroring In this example, interfaces 1, 2, 3, and 4 indicate10GE1/0/1,10GE1/0/2,10GE1/0/3, and10GE1/0/4, respectively. Procedure Configure an observing port group on DeviceA and add10GE1/0/2,10GE1/0/3, and10GE1/0/4to the observing...
iPhone Mirroring是苹果镜像功能,允许在Mac上直接镜像并操控iPhone屏幕,进行互动和查看通知,要求iPhone和Mac登陆同一个Apple ID,处于同一网络,蓝牙和Wifi开启,且iPhone锁屏,同时Mac需为macOs15,iPhone需为iOS18。 Mirroring的定义与基本理解 Mirroring,即镜像功能,是一种技术手段,它允许一个设备(如...
screen casting:指将设备屏幕上的内容无线传输到另一个显示设备上,常用于智能设备之间的屏幕共享。 例句:You can use screen casting to share your phone's screen with your TV. screen sharing:指在网络上共享设备屏幕的内容,常用于远程会议、在线教学等场景。 例句:During the online...
屏幕镜像(Screen Mirroring)是将一个设备的屏幕内容实时传输到另一个设备(如电视、投影仪)上实现共享和放大显示的功能。 Screen Mirroring的基本定义 Screen Mirroring,即屏幕镜像,是一种将电子设备(如手机、平板、电脑)的屏幕内容实时传输到另一个显示设备(如电视、投影仪)上...
# Configure GE0/0/2through GE0/0/4of the Switch as local observing ports in a local observing port group. <HUAWEI>system-view[HUAWEI]sysname Switch[Switch]observe-port 1 interface-range gigabitethernet0/0/2to gigabitethernet0/0/4
Configure GE1/0/1of the Switch as a mirrored port to copy the traffic passing through it and send the traffic to different local observing ports. Procedure Configure observing ports. # Configure GE1/0/2through GE1/0/4of the Switch as local observing ports one by one. ...
In 1:N mirroring, multiple observing ports need to be configured and connected to different monitoring devices. There are two modes for configuring observing ports: configure a single observing port and configure an observing port group. Observing port group is often used in 1:N mirroring to simp...