mirror-symmetric是什么意思、mirror-symmetric怎么读 读音:美[´mɪrərsɪm´etrɪk]英[´mɪrərsɪm´etrɪk] 英汉翻译近义词典英英词典发音词典 mirror-symmetric中文翻译 adj.镜对称的;反转对称的 mirror-symmetric是什么意思
Mirror symmetric topographic maps can arise from activity-dependent synaptic changes - Schulz, Reggia - 2005 () Citation Context ...more important role in forming the orientations of adjacent cortical maps than is currently recognized. 1 Introduction Mirror-symmetric topographic maps are common in ...
SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE HAVING MIRROR-SYMMETRIC TERMINALS AND METHODS OF FORMING THE SAMEA semiconductor device having substantially minor-symmetric terminals and methods of forming the same. In one embodiment, the semiconductor device includes a semiconductor switch having a control node and a switched node...
The designed optics for the dispersive section is based on the mirror-symmetric optics to minimize the effect of high-order aberrations. Previous article in issue Next article in issue Keywords Rare Isotope Science Project Mirror-symmetric optics Charge stripping section...
The well-known centrosymmetric matrices correctly reflect mirror-symmetry with no component or only one component on the mirror plane. Mirror-symmetric matrices defined in this paper can represent mirror-symmetric structures with various components on the mirror plane. Some basic properties of mirror-sym...
This paper presents a system to create mirror-symmetric surfaces from free-form sketches. The system takes as input a hand-drawn sketch and generates a surface whose silhouette approximately matches the input sketch. The input sketch typically consists of a set of curves connected at their endpoint...
Mirror-Image Symmetric Perfect-Reconstruction FIR Filter Banks: Parametrization and Design ", Kofidis E. et al., Signal Processing, Amsterdam, NL, vol. 68, No. 1, Jul. 20, 1998, pp. 1-21.KOFIDIS E ET AL: " Mirror-image symmetric perfect-reconstruction FIR filter banks: Parametrization ...
网络释义 1. 非左右对称 ... of 18 Protangram)总共有28块,非左右对称(non-mirror-symmetric)的型片要使用两块,而且是正反面各一块,拼排的时候就 … home.educities.edu.tw|基于2个网页
Scattering matrix Zero slopes Forward scattering Backscattering Particles a b s t r a c t Single scattering of light by a finite mirror symmetric collection of independently scattering randomly oriented particles is considered as observed in the far-field. It is shown that the slopes of the scatte...
Pen-based 3D drawing system with 3D mirror symmetric curve drawing A pen-based system allows users, such as artists, graphic designers and illustrators, and the like, to create accurate curve models by sketching. A tool set implemented in software that runs on a computer system combines paper ...