打开游戏根目录SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Mirror 2 Project X\ProjectX\Mirror2\Content\Paks 有一个Mirror2-WindowsNoEditor的pak文件,把这个pak复制覆盖原文件(需要服装dlc) 链接见评论区 11120 terraria吧 Cyril 【教程】如何正确使用模组浏览器镜像很多吧友有不会用模组浏览器镜像的问题,主要还是在于不知道...
He heard a brassy, swingy sort of song start playing, with a few mechanical clanks and a bit of a steampunk vibe to it. Without really thinking about it, he jumped up on a lamp post to swing around it with much pizzazz, before leaping back onto the sidewalk and beginning to walk in...