NoExtraLineSpacing 无前导 NoLineBreaksAfterKinsoku NoLineBreaksBeforeKinsoku NonNegativeDecimalNumberType NonNegativeShortType NoProof NoPunctuationKerning NoResizeAllowed NoSpaceRaiseLower NoTabHangIndent NotTrueType NoWrap Nsid NumberFormatValues 编号 NumberingChange NumberingFormat NumberingId NumberingIdMacAtClea...
In [KSZ] we introduced another system of parameters for an(SL(r+1),\hbar )-oper, which corresponds to the roots of the polynomials defining the section of the line bundle from the flag of bundles defining the Miura(SL(r+1),\hbar )-oper connection (cf. the standard Bethe parameters c...
meaning that in the younger MS the mirror fractionXincreases linearly with timetuntil\(t\ll \tau _\varepsilon \). But withXgrowing the evolution should gradually slow down. Asymptotically in time the star can evolve to the final equilibrium configuration with\(X = 1/2\)(i.e. to the MM...
The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in the credit line; if the material is not included under the Creative Commons license, users will need to obtain permission from the license holder in ...
Besides this, it has an easy, straightforward user interface. Itensures a reliable torrenting experienceby providing a dedicated search bar to search for your desired file. It alsoincludes detailed information about each game, such as its storyline, steps on installing it, etc., to give relevan...
Remove the first line saying: ___REMOVE_THIS_LINE___=True Fill up rest of the fields. Meaning of each field is discussed below: 1. Required Fields BOT_TOKEN: The Telegram Bot Token that you got from@BotFather.Str GDRIVE_FOLDER_ID: This is the Folder/TeamDrive ID of the Google Drive...
We are thrilled to announce that we have started rolling out Mirror my video feature for our Windows and MAC desktop apps. In the last six months, there’s...
For more information about perlbug, either type 'perldoc perlbug' or just 'perlbug' on a line by itself. While it was current when we made it available, Perl is constantly evolving and there may be a more recent version that fixes bugs you've run into or adds new features that you ...
Zebrafish from the transgenic line Tg (gata1:DsRed) were crossed with zebrafish from the transgenic line Tg (flk: EGFP), and F1 larval zebrafish were used for blood cell imaging (Fig.5and Fig. S5). The embryos were raised in 165 mg l−11-phenyl-2-thiourea (PTU) in embryo reari...
(e) Spin-resolved constant-energy contours (CECs) taken in the middle of the bulk gap (see the orange dash-doted line in (b)). (f–i) CECs for the cuts 1–4 defined in the panel (b). Let us consider the evolution of the 2D FS topology of the TSS at the energies above the ...