Times were 120.0 +/- 55.9 seconds/bead for the mirror image and 46.7 +/- 26.0 seconds/bead for the inverted mirror image (P<0.01; ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis). Conclusions: The difficulty of performing a relatively simple laparoscopic... AA Abodeely,YL Cheah,BA Ryder,... - 《J Laparoendosc...
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While this configuration and the visibility of the tenons on the lintels is not entirely accurate, the image does appear to have been drawn by someone who knew what the stone circle looked like or had been given a technical description of how the lintels were fixed to the standing stones....
It is true that the looking-glass self...
Full size image This leads us to a syndromic concept of empathy, seen as the ability, constructed by emotional, cognitive, behavioral and communicational competencies, to tune into the internal states of the others. 2.1.10Defining empathy
While the “self” that the gnostic sees in the mirror of the divine hides the divine, it also, in another sense, manifests it, just as the image in a mirror manifests the presence of the mirror: As Ibn ʿArabī explains in the chapter on Ādam (to be treated in the next ...
like death statues. Strange-face illusions may be the psychodynamic projection of the subject’s unconscious archetypal contents into the mirror image. Therefore, strange-face illusions might provide both an ecological setting and an experimental technique for “imaging of the unconscious”. Future resea...