Applies to: SQL ServerTo enable automatic decryption of the database master key of a mirror database, you must provide the password used to encrypt the master key to the mirror server instance. SQL Server 2005 (9.x) and later versions include mechanisms to transfer the password. Use ...
For more information about the checkpoints and log truncation, see Database Checkpoints (SQL Server). Avoid a Full Transaction Log If the log fills up (either because it reaches its maximum size or the server instance runs out of space), the database cannot perform any more upd...
依次分别在镜像Server和主Server上运行以下命令就可以了【最好在Master DB上执行以下命令】 在镜像Server上线运行 ALTER DATABASE [Test_Mirror] SET PARTNER = 'TCP://172.XXX.XXX.93:5022'; GO 在主Server上运行 ALTER DATABASE [Test_Mirror] SET PARTNER = 'TCP://172.XXX.XX.106:5022'; GO 配置成功...
该数据库正在进行还原。 (Microsoft SQL Server,错误: 927) This error can occur when you try to configure mirroring using the Configure Database Mirroring Security Wizard (SSMS UI). Please using below TSQL commands to resolve this issue. Please change the names of Mirror DB , primary ...
ALTER DATABASE HB2008_Gome SET WITNESS = 'TCP://WitnessServerName:5022'; 1. 2. 注意: 1.在Principal实例上创建Session时可能会遇到此错误,错误信息如下: 镜像数据库 "dbName" 包含的事务日志数据不足,无法保留主体数据库的日志备份链。如果没有从主体数据库进行日志备份或者没有在镜像数据库上还原日志备份...
通过数据库镜像端点(Database Mirroring Endpoint)建立的网络连接实现事务日志的传输。 3事务日志应用:镜像数据库接收到主数据库传送的事务日志后,会将其应用到自身上,以保持与主数据库的数据一致性。 4监视状态:监视服务器会定期检查主数据库和镜像数据库之间的网络连接和数据同步状态。如果监视服务器发现主数据库不...
Database Mirroring Deployment How-to Topics How to: Configure a Database Mirroring Session (SQL Server Management Studio) How to: Start the Configuring Database Mirroring Security Wizard (SQL Server Management Studio) How to: Add a Database Mirroring Witness Using Windows Authentication (Transact-SQL...
Check the SQL serverlog on both current server & target mirror server.See error like: Logon Database Mirroring login attempt by user 'XXX\YYY$.' failed with error: 'Connection handshake failed. The login 'XXX\YYY$' does not have CONNECT permission on the endpoint. State 84.'. ...
Applies to: SQL ServerThe database owner can pause and later resume a database mirroring session at any time. Pausing preserves the session state while suspending mirroring. During bottlenecks, pausing might be useful to improve performance on the principal server....
LISTENER_IP=ALL)FORDATABASE_MIRRORING ( AUTHENTICATION= CERTIFICATE Host_A_Cert, ENCRYPTION=REQUIRED Algorithm AES, ROLE= ALL); END 在镜像服务器对证书名稍作修改,创建镜像服务器的端点。 Step 4:备份证书 备份证书的目的是发送到别的服务器并导入证书,以便别的服务器能通过证书访问这台服务器(主体服务器...