Formula Example: Calculate modified internal rate of return (MIRR) in Excel Assume you invested$10,000initially for a project with an annual interest rate of7.5%, and can earn money in next four years: $1.850, $3,500, $4,600, and $3,780. The reinvestment rate for the incomes is6.5%...
To learn more, launch ourAdvanced Excel Formulas coursenow! What is the Modified Internal Rate of Return (MIRR) Formula in Excel? The MIRR formula in Excel is as follows: =MIRR(cash flows, financing rate, reinvestment rate) Where: Cash Flows – Individual cash flows from each period in the...
Go to theF7cell and insert the formula given below. =MIRR(C5:C15,F4,F5) TheC5:C15range of cells refers to theCash Flows,theF4cell points to theDiscount Rate, and theF5cell indicates theReinvest Rate. HitEnter. Example 2 – Comparing Two Investments with the MIRR Function Consider theYear...
Go to theF7cell and insert the formula given below. =MIRR(C5:C15,F4,F5) TheC5:C15range of cells refers to theCash Flows,theF4cell points to theDiscount Rate, and theF5cell indicates theReinvest Rate. HitEnter. Example 2 – Comparing Two Investments with the MIRR Function Consider theYear...
How to calculate MIRR in Excel – formula example Calculating MIRR in Excel is very straightforward – you just put the cash flows, cost of borrowing and reinvestment rate in the corresponding arguments. As an example, let's find the modified IRR for a series of cash flows in A2:A8, fin...
This article describes the formula syntax and usage of the MIRR function in Microsoft Excel. Description Returns the modified internal rate of return for a series of periodic cash flows. MIRR considers both the cost of the investment and the interest received on reinvestment of cash. Syntax MIRR...
Ja n ir naudas plūsmu skaits vērtībās, frate ir finansiālā_likme un rrate ir pārinvest_likme, tad funkcijas MIRR formula ir: Piemērs Nokopējiet šīs tabulas parauga datus un ielīmējiet tos jaunas Excel darblapas šūnā A1. Lai formulas parādītu rezultātus, atlasiet tos,...
The MIRR function is a built-in function in Excel that is categorized as aFinancial Function. It can be used as a worksheet function (WS) and a VBA function (VBA) in Excel. As a worksheet function, the MIRR function can be entered as part of a formula in a cell of a worksheet. As...
Use the formula: =MIRR(A2:A6, B2, C2) A2:A6 : investment amount or cash flow B2 : finance_rate C2 : Reinvest_rate As you can see the MIRR function returns the modified interest rate of return is 8.1%. Hope you understood how to use the MIRR function to get modified interest rate...
MIRR incorporates different rates in its calculation. While IRR uses only one expected rate of return for all cash flows, MIRR incorporates both expected investment growth rates as well as the cost of capital rates. Based on the setup of the formula, MIRR also only yi...