in sap s/4hana public cloud in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A Friday Table for Gate entry in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A Friday CDS views for COBRA & COBRB tables related to settlement rules in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A Thursday Top Q&A Solution Author SAPSupport 69 Edrilan_Be...
Presently MIRO is possible immediately after GRN for any item, while we would like to make restriction; till material is under quality test or it got rejected after quality test, MIRO will not be possible. User Exit for MIRO Tr.code Following requirements are checked with this user exit. a)...
MIRO 发票校验BAPI使用案例 FUNCTIONzmm_srm2sap_006.*"---*"*"本地接口:*" TABLES*" IT_TAB STRUCTURE ZMMS004*" ET_TAB STRUCTURE ZMMS004_RSP OPTIONAL*"---DATA: ls_zmms004TYPEzmms004, headerdataTYPEbapi_incinv_create_header, invoicedocnumberTYPEbapi_incinv_fld-inv_doc_no, itemdataTYPET...
Limitations in Capacity Planning in SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A 7 hours ago Work flow question: How to find who holds a work flow? in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A 20 hours ago A closer look at Event based Production accounting in UPA in Enterprise Resou...
tables itemdata = lt_itemdata return = lt_return. loop at lt_return into ls_return where type = 'E' or type = 'A'. cp_eind = 'X'. exit. endloop. if cp_eind ne 'X'. call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT' exporting wait = 'X'. ...
headerdata = ls_headerdata IMPORTING invoicedocnumber = lv_invoicedocnumber TABLES itemdata = lt_itemdata materialdata = lt_materialdata return = lt_return. IF lv_invoicedocnumber IS NOT INITIAL . WRITE lv_invoicedocnumber. COMMIT WORK AND WAIT. ENDIF....
This happens because the affected tables are RBKP and BSIP, as the system needs to perform several searches in these tables. You might be wondering now... what is this functionality and how can I see if this is active in my system? Easy! Check out thisSAP Helplink with all the details...
The Tables : BKPF RBKP (Necessary for Header, we keep new field in the header) My new field is ZZAKONT. 3 ABAP Coding Part of Screen After implementations of my new field, now we can add our field to MM-IV screens. Go to SE19 -> Change “Z1_BADI_FDCB_SUBBAS” and Sc...
微信群:SAP干货铺,请联系本人微信 sapliumeng。 QQ群 :SAP干货铺, 群号:775662808 所有群管理严格,严格禁止一切外来链接、招聘、广告等垃圾信息! report zlm_miro. parameters p_ebeln type ekko-ebeln. data: ls_headerdata like bapi_incinv_create_header, ...
However you will never get MIGO and FI doc number in a report. You need to then write a ABAP query and join tables EKBE-MSEG-BSEG-RSEG for fetching required data. Show replies Show replies You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already registered, sign in. Othe...