mirin是什么意思 n. (源于日语)甜米洒 以上参考资料就是本英汉词典详细汇总的单词mirin的翻译英语含义,如有错漏请向我们提供反馈意见。 强烈推荐 名师教学:语文英语其它 教育部资源中心制作的优秀精品课程 新版教材:语文英语其它 囊括统编版、人教版、沪教版等众多权威教材...
The meaning of MIRIN is a sweet Japanese cooking wine made from fermented rice.
Unlike the numbing-hot Sichuan version, this one is savory and sweet, with the classic Japanese flavors of soy, sake and mirin, and comes together even faster, if you can believe it. From Washington Times In a liquid measuring cup or small bowl, mix together the soy sauce, sugar, sesame...
Mirin Mirin is a transparent, sweet cooking wine made from glutinous rice, frequently used in Japanese cooking. 米林酒是糯米酿造的,常用于日本烹饪的透明甜米酒。 www.qiyeku.com 4. Then it's glazed with a sauce of soy, mirin (sweet rice wine), and sugar and sprinkled with sansho, mountain ...
中文名称:MirinCAS:299953-00-7 品牌:Sigma纯度规格:≥98% (HPLC), powder 产品编号m9948 品牌Sigma 颜色red to orange 形式powder 测定≥98% (HPLC) 别名5-(4-羟基亚苄基)-2-亚氨基噻唑烷-4-酮 溶解性DMSO: >10?mg/mL 分子量220.25 储存条件desiccated ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook mirin Wikipedia mir·in (mĭr′ĭn) n. A sweet Japanese rice wine used especially in cooking. [Japanese,mi,flavor(from Early Middle Chinesemujh; also the source of Mandarinwèi) +rin, variant reading of the kanji forran,to remove the astringency of persim...
Mirin是小分子MRN(Mre11,Rad50,和Nbs1)复合物的抑制剂。 注:本品仅可用于科研实验,严禁用于临床医疗及其他用途! CAS号:1198097-97-0 纯度:99.72% 分子式:C₁₀H₈N₂O₂S 分子量:220.25 结构式: 储存条件:-20℃,有效期2年,溶入溶剂后-20℃请尽量在一个月内使用 ...
MirinMirinisatransparent,sweetcookingwinemadefromglutinousrice,frequentlyused inJapanesecooking. 米林酒是糯米酿造的,常用于日本烹饪的透明甜米酒。 www.qiyeku.com 4. Thenit's glazedwithasauceofsoy,mirin(sweetrice wine),andsugarandsprinkledwithsansho,mountainpepper. ...