以时尚的风格定义比赛规则。幻象版包括:专属传说级“演出终结者”幻象皮肤专属传说级“壁炉罩”电能冲锋枪皮肤专属“不受拘束”枪支护身符专属“全息之星”徽章1,000 Apex 金币
Data from players who have been active in the last 2 weeks in the apexlegendsstatus player database. This is based on the currently selected cosmetics for each active players in our database in the last 14 days. (17M+ players). Color code: Common / Rare / Epic / Legendary / Heirloom...
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Ride into town looking good as you lay down the law on the competition with the Apex Legends™ - Mirage Edition. The Mirage Edition includes: • Exclusive Legendary "The Show Stopper" Mirage Skin • Exclusive Legendary "The Mantlepiece" Volt SMG Skin • Exclusive "Boots 'N All" Gun...
Cost: 1,800 Apex Coins 152 votes What do you think? Is this a good Mirage skin? Photo: Apex Legends Electronic Arts 2 Ghost Machine Skin Type: Legendary Cost: 1,200 Crafting Metals 443 votes Is this a good Mirage skin? Photo:
Mirage's BR Kills leaderboard Worldwide PSA: Legend Kills Leaderboards are now updating every 2 minutes instead of every 6 hours. Only for World region. Top #100 Battle Royale predators and Arenas predators are updated live on thelive ranked leaderboards (click here) ...
Apex Legends Electronic Arts 1 Night Crawler Skin Type:Legendary Cost: 1,800 Apex Coins 155 votes What do you think? Is this a good Mirage skin? Photo: Apex Legends Electronic Arts 2 Ghost Machine Skin Type: Legendary Cost: 1,200 Crafting Metals ...
用《Apex Legends™》- 幻象版引领风潮,以时尚的风格定义比赛规则。 幻象版包括: - 专属传说级“演出终结者”幻象皮肤 - 专属传说级“壁炉罩”电能冲锋枪皮肤 - 专属“不受拘束”枪支护身符 - 专属“全息之星”徽章 - 1,000 Apex 金币 《Apex 英雄:幻象版 》的短评 (暂无) ...
Meet Apex Legends Mirage Support Class Legends Mirage 表示数を増やす 俺はあんまりマジになるってことはない。どこにも行かないしな。もっと外に出た方がいいんだが ホログラフの幻術師 ミラージュは、俗に言う目立ちたがり屋だ。4人兄弟の末っ子として、おどけて注意を集めるコツを覚え...