群众不知道这个奇迹其实是耶和华促成的,于是喊道:“有神借着人形降临在我们中间了。” jw2019 The darkness caused on the day of Jesus’ death was a miracle from God. 耶稣死时,黑暗笼罩大地,这其实是上帝施行的奇迹。 jw2019 装载更多 最
Although God created science and the natural laws, we don’t know everything about either. Also, we have to understand just how subjective Hume’s perspective is. He says a miracle “is contrary to our experience.” Whose experience? Depending on who you ask, and where in the world they...
Basically, it’s saying that the hands that perform the miracles were Paul’s, but the power, the dunamas, behind theworking of the miracle was God’s. So God is the worker of miracles.Paul performed the miracles but Godgot the credit because he did them, because God wasn’t Paul. O...
When doctors could offer no hope for his dying brother and a baby girl seemed certain to die, Des Morton defied all the odds and chose to believe that God would answer his prayers
No, it doesn't appear that Ben Wexler (Wayne Pére), the journalist who initially doesn't believe in God, is based on a real person. In the movie, Ben's daughter suffers from cancer and is a temporary roommate of Annabel. Ben sees how much pain Annabel is in, and after Annabel's ...
best-selling author Terri Blackstock that reveal how thin the wall really is between heaven and earth . . . and how God remains a God of miracles even today. The Listener--Something strange happened to Sam Bennett this morning. He is hearing the thoughts of other people. The waitress at ...
These are therefore thought to be supernatural in origin or an act of God. There are several opposing views on the existence of miracles. Many religious people see miracles as signs from God, and view those who experience miracles to be divine or favoured by God. Others believe that a ...
about the Women preachers God calls. https://youtu.be/Q7x5mMoBmss https://youtu.be/0p6ONApHE28 For Live Programs steaming Click on the program name: : 1) Miracles Today Programs 2) Good Shepherd 10:30 Sun am RAPTURE AND COMING OF THE LORD MADE EASY TO SEE ...CLEAR...
People today can also loose their relationship with God, but it is a good idea to renew this relationship and it is available if sought. Eventually the time came 2000 years ago when Jesus was born, died and resurrected to provide an escape from the prison that Satan had created. This ...
What do these strange events mean within the larger context of Jesus' ministry? In the sayings material of both Mark and Q the answer is given. The exorcisms are dramatic presentations and partial realizations of God's eschatological triumph over Satan and the powers of evil through the ...