Cancer, the relentless foe of humanity, has claimed countless lives over the years, leaving a trail of suffering in its wake. Amidst this battle against a formidable adversary, an unconventional hero has emerged – Miracle Mineral Solution, or MMS which are nicknames for the chemical chlorine dio...
I'm referring to something called MMS, which stands for "miracle mineral solution." As I pointed out when I discovered its promotion for various maladies and then later when I discovered its promotion at the yearly antivaccine quackfest known as Autism One, MMS is a form of bleach. It...
The authors conclude thatMiracle Mineral Solution is a commonly purchased potentially lethal compound that can cause methemoglobinemia with respiratory failure, hemolytic anemia requiring transfusion, and renal failure requiring dialysis. Despite such cases, MMS continues to be promoted for viral and many ...
Nasal Polyps surgery is NOT a permanent solution and the vast majority of the patients will experience a recurrence in a few weeks - just ask your doctor if you don't believe me! And when a recurrence occurs, generally the polyps will be larger than they were before the surgery. ...
Harris notes that magnesiumsupplementsare likely to be most effective for individuals who don’t get enough of the mineral through their diets. If you believe your levels could be low, you should begin by eating more foods rich in magnesium, including salmon, chia seeds, bananas, tofu, beans...
S. dulcificum has been considered as an impending food colorant because it produces orange-red color when added to carbonated water and sugar solution. It was categorized as an additive by the US Food and Drug Administration (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2019; Swamy et al., 2014). There has been...
Revitalization of the microbes in an appropriate liquid solution is recommended prior to use to avoid loss of viability and fitness of the microbes after rehydration. Technical breakthroughs in delivery of microbial inoculants are just beginning. Making biologicals simpler for farmers to use and more...