The premise of a genie that grants you unlimited wishes is a tough topic, considering there are things like paradoxes and such, but if you over look that, and just accept the film as a fun "beach" movie, you won't be disappointed. The Genie is a very likable character, and casted ...
但是本片也不乏许多吸引人的特色桥段,诸如城市黑暗气氛的搭建渲染和女主角珍妮弗·康纳利在酒吧里的两首歌,即充满风情又体现了本片的主题。还有那个地铁永远到不了的“Shell Beach”站,给人以莫大的神秘感和探索欲。总之拍摄于1998年的本片能有这样的构思很不容易,它和《楚门的世界》与《十三阶梯》一起,构成了日...