通过 运行 dxdiag 检查驱动 显示 Miracast: Not Supported by Graphics driver是否可以判断正是 AMD的显卡不支持 miracast 但是有intel的集显啊 昂达平板就是intel集显 支持啊尝试禁用 AMD 独显 还是无法连接有没有大神有相同状况,或者有兴趣一起研究 godalan 默默无闻 1 人工置顶 godalan 默默无闻 1 人工...
The possibilities are virtually limitless. So enough theory-crafting, and let’s get back to finding the solutions of how to fix Miracast not supported. Why am I getting Miracast: not supported by the graphics driver on Radeon graphics? If you’re getting this error, it’s possible thatyou...
I found: Card name: AMD Radeon(TM) RX Vega 10 Graphics and Miracast: Not Supported by Graphics driver.That's it for my computer knowledge. The question is clear: can this be solved and if so, how?Is there anyone who can help me? Regards Rob 0 Likes Reply All fo...
,我13年买的联想z500都支持; 关于检查你电脑是否支持 miracast: 如果你电脑是intel的cpu,可以百度这个看下是否支持 《有关英特尔® 显卡驱动程序的 Miracast* 支持的常见问题解答》 一开始 win + r 运行 dxdiag.exe 显示: Miracast: Not Supported by Graphics driver 然后,反正我电脑集显是 hd 4000,更新到...
PanelFitter Caps: Not Supported PanelFitter Stretch: Not Supported Card name: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series Manufacturer: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Chip type: AMD Radeon Graphics Processor (0x679A) DAC type: Internal DAC(400MHz) Device Type: Full Device (POST) ...
Hardware Scheduling: Supported:True Enabled:True Graphics Preemption: Pixel Compute Preemption: Dispatch Miracast: Not Supported by Graphics driver Detachable GPU: No Hybrid Graphics GPU: Not Supported Power P-states: Not Supported Virtualization: Paravirtualization ...
,我13年买的联想z500都支持; 关于检查你电脑是否支持 miracast: 如果你电脑是intel的cpu,可以百度这个看下是否支持 《有关英特尔® 显卡驱动程序的 Miracast* 支持的常见问题解答》 一开始 win + r 运行 dxdiag.exe 显示: Miracast: Not Supported by Graphics driver 然后,反正我电脑集显是 hd 4000,更新到...
While I see how easy it would be to default to AMD being the issue with Miracast supported not being indicated let me reiterate again that MIRACAST DOES NOT TOUCH THE AMD DISCRETE GRAPHICS ON THIS SYSTEM. Can Intel please verify that the AC 7265 and Intel 630 graphics drivers are...
An AMD processor will work fine, an Nvidia graphics card explicitly supports Miracast, and I bet AMD vid cards will too (not personally tested).The information you are being told by support, here, is very old and incorrect. Yes, I uderstand. My specific Intel comment was focused on...
Thinkpad E450 with amd R5 M240 双显卡笔记本 能搜索到但无法连接到电视 通过 运行 dxdiag 检查驱动 显示 Miracast: Not Supported by Graphics driver 是否可以判断 分享111 创维吧 soap捅了马蜂窝 创维电视升级后miracast功能去哪里了有大神知道吗 分享1815 酷开吧 无_语_最_佳 手机通过Miracast连接不了K55,...