但miR396家族成员是否可能以类似的方式在大豆中发挥作用尚不清楚。 近日,JIPB在线发表了安徽农业大学朱建华团队题为“Knockout of miR396 genes increases seed size and yield in soybean”的研究论文 (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jipb.13660)。 该研究通过CRISPR/Cas对高产大豆品种“中黄302” (...
近日,JIPB在线发表了安徽农业大学朱建华团队题为“Knockout of miR396 genes increases seed size and yield in soybean”的研究论文 (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jipb.13660)。 该研究通过CRISPR/Cas对高产大豆品种“中...
Overexpression of soybean miR169c confers increased drought stress sensitivity in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana[J]. Plant Sci, 2019, 285 :68-78. (责任编辑 朱琳峰) Call for Papers! Special Issue "Plant-Microbe Interactions" Plant disease outbreaks have greatly reduced crop yields and significantly ...
JIPB | 北京农学院王绍辉/赵文超团队揭示miR396a-SlGRF8-SlSTP10模块在根结线虫与番茄互作中的作用机制 在农业生产领域,根结线虫作为危害作物的主要病原生物之一,其破坏性不容忽视。它们侵入作物根部,刺激根形成肿瘤状结构-根结,导致作...
Phylogenetic analysis showed that RcGRFs have a similar evolutionary pattern with other dicotyledonous plants, such as soybean, cassava and poplar. The miR396-GRF interaction sites analysis found that all RcGRFs contain the RcmiR396 target sites, and most of them ...
and in transgenic tobacco with ectopic expression of a soybean MADS-box TF gene,GmMADS2846,47.MYB26is responsible for anther dehiscence through regulatingNST1andNST2from NAC TF family48,49. The TF families mentioned above are differentially expressed in miR396c TG plants and WT controls, implyi...