mips-decstation.linux-xgcc.tgz linux下面C语言环境配置需要的文件,积分就是表示下支持,积分不够可以私信我。(csdn设置的积分会自己变,我也很无奈) 上传者:weixin_43745072时间:2020-04-26 x86架构Linux下的MIPS交叉编译工具链 mips-mti-elf-* Codescape.GNU.Tools.Package.2017.10-05.for.MIPS.MTI.Bare.Metal...
If building for MIPSr6 then you will need a toolchain including GCC 5.x or newer, or the Codescape toolchain available for download from Imagination Technologies: http://codescape-mips-sdk.imgtec.com/components/toolchain/2015.06-05/ The "IMG GNU Linux Toolchain" is capable of building for all...
I've checked this only on 2015.01-7/bin/mips-mti-linux-gnu-g++. Can you check if clang is OK, and since this is not arch-specific file, we could try some gcc's for arm or x86. Ivica, maybe you can assign this to someone who has a few spare cycles. It's not urgent. (scroll...
https://www.qemu.org/docs/master/system/target-mips.html 环境: Ubuntu 20.04 Linux version 5.4.0-58-generic (buildd@lcy01-amd64-004) (gcc version 9.3.0 (
export PATH=/opt/mips-gcc720-glibc226/bin:$PATH 预编译tslib tslib是一个用于触摸事件的开源的库,可以从github上下载,我们用的是1.22版本。 Qt依赖它来实现触屏事件 下载地址:https://github.com/libts/tslib ./autogen.sh ./configure --host=mips-linux-gnu --prefix=/opt/Qt5.9.0/tslib-1.22 make ma...
x86架构Linux下的MIPS交叉编译工具链 mips-mti-elf-* Codescape.GNU.Tools.Package.2017.10-05.for.MIPS.MTI.Bare.Metal.CentOS-5.x86_64 上传者:weixin_42929607时间:2021-07-23 Introduction to the MIPS32 Architecture.pdf Introduction to the MIPS32 Architecture 对mips32架构的一个介绍。 对学习嵌入式开发...
0.0 (0人评价) 我要评价: 用手机看文档 下载 开通VIP Document Number: MD00624 Revision November 18, 2008 MIPS Technologies, Inc. 1225 Charleston Road Mountain View, CA 94043-1353 Copyright © 2008 MIPS Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. MIPS® Toolchain Specifics MIPS® Toolchain Specific...
"tools/mips_toolchain/mips-mti-linux-gnu/lib", ] } if (is_ubsan && (v8_current_cpu == "x86" || v8_current_cpu == "arm" || v8_current_cpu == "mips")) { if (is_ubsan && (v8_current_cpu == "x86" || v8_current_cpu == "arm")) { # Special UBSan 32-bit requirement....
In this repository All GitHub ↵ Jump to ↵ In this organization All GitHub ↵ Jump to ↵ In this repository All GitHub ↵ Jump to ↵ Sign in Sign up {{ message }} MIPS / newlib Public Notifications Fork 0 Star 2 Code Issues Pull requests Actions ...
If building for MIPSr6 then you will need a toolchain including GCC 5.x or newer, or the Codescape toolchain available for download from Imagination Technologies: http://codescape-mips-sdk.imgtec.com/components/toolchain/2015.06-05/ The "IMG GNU Linux Toolchain" is capable of building for all...