---MIPI INT ERROR INFO--- Devno vc0CRC vc1CRC vc2CRC vc3CRC vc0OrderErr vc1OrderErr vc2OrderErr vc3OrderErr vc0NMatCnt vc1NMatCnt vc2NMatCnt vc3NMatCnt 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Devno HCntErr vc0HECC vc1HECC vc2HECC vc3HECC vc0DtErr vc1DtErr vc2DtErr vc3Dt...
请问一下 您这个问题解决了么 我现在也是出现这个问题。 I2C发送配置等都成功了 MIPI引脚信号也...
现象:抓图时,有时能正常抓取成功,但是偶尔会提现是 rkcif_mipi_lvds: ERROR: csi bandwidth lack, intstat:0x80002!! 错误,出现此错误后,变无法获取图像。 解决办法:出现这个问题多数情况是帧格式不匹配导致的,比如我在驱动中使用的是 MEDIA_BUS_FMT_UYVY8_2X8,而抓图是却用的 NV12,也有人说是瑞芯微中使...
[ 0.000000] rkclk: rkclk_cache_parents: ehci1phy_12m_div clk_get error [ 0.000000] rk_get_uboot_display_flag: uboot_logo_on = 1 [ 0.000000] rkclk_init_clks: cnt_parent = 7 [ 0.000000] rkclk_init_clks: cnt_rate = 29
{ return; } static hi_void cmos_gains_update(hi_vi_pipe vi_pipe, hi_u32 u32Again, hi_u32 u32Dgain) { return; } static hi_void cmos_get_inttime_max(hi_vi_pipe vi_pipe, hi_u16 u16ManRatioEnable, hi_u32 *au32Ratio, hi_u32 *au32IntTimeMax, hi_u32 *au32IntTimeMin, ...
The MIPI host reports Start of transmission error, [Lane3,Lane2,Lane1,Lane0] 0 Kudos Reply 05-16-2022 06:55 AM 4,108 Views khang_letruong Senior Contributor III Hi @QiangF , Might you provide more info about the firmware of the LT6911C such as output format on number ...
Convert long int to const time_t I have variable tmit: long tmit;. I got error in this code: And error say: Cannot convert 'long int*' to 'const time_t* {aka const long long int*}' for argument '1' to 'char* ctime(const time_t*)' My ... ...
Idx IntGap IntCntCcERRCnt ---VI WDR SRC STATUS--- Idx IntGap IntCntCcErrCnt ---VI ...
#ifdef PRINT_FRAME_INFO if (Printflag == 1) { /*For video streaming application of higher FPS refrain from using this debug print or try to reduce the print information*/ char str[100]; int pos = 0; sprintf(str,"\n\rProd = %d Cons = %d Prtl_Sz = %d Frm_Cnt ...
本渣参考http://dev.t-firefly.com/thread-13810-2-1.html做的修改,修改如下:diff --git a/arch...